Breast Lifting / Reduction

Breast Lifting / Reduction

Descrıptıon Included Servıces DescrıptıonBreast lifting reduction is a type of plastic surgery that is used to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. It is most commonly performed on women who have large, sagging breasts or a disproportionally large bust. This procedure can be done in combination with a breast reduction or as a stand-alone …

Breast lifting reduction is a type of plastic surgery that is used to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. It is most commonly performed on women who have large, sagging breasts or a disproportionally large bust. This procedure can be done in combination with a breast reduction or as a stand-alone procedure to make the breasts smaller and tighter. It can be used to correct asymmetry, reduce heavy or sagging breasts, and improve the shape and position of the nipples.

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